

Journal of the American Statistical Association

データ種別 雑誌
著者標目 American Statistical Association
出版者 Concord, N.H. : American Statistical Association
変遷注記 継続前誌:Quarterly publications of the American Statistical Association / American Statistical Association


府中図書館 46,48-90 1951-1995

小金井・JICST資料室(禁帯出) (C262AA)53-67 1958-1972


別書名 標題紙タイトル:JASA
略タイトル:J. Am. Stat. Assoc
キータイトル:Journal of the American Statistical Association
巻次年月次 Vol. 18, no. 137 (Mar. 1922)-
本文言語 英語
一般注記 Indexes: Vols. 18-34, 1922-39, 1 v. (includes index to the Association's Publications, v. 1-17, 1888-1920/1921); Vols. 35-50, 1940-55, 1 v.; Vols. 51-60,1956-65, with v. 60 (issued as June 1966, pt. 2)
Indexes: Author and subject index to vols. 51-73 issued as vol. 74, no.366. pt. 2; to vols. 50-86 (1955-1991). 1 v.
書誌ID 2000001740
ISSN 01621459
NCID AA00240509
