Journal of mammalogy / American Society of Mammalogists
データ種別 | 雑誌 |
著者標目 | American Society of Mammalogists |
出版情報 | Lawrence |
配架場所 | 所蔵巻号 | 年次 | 請求記号 | コメント |
府中図書館 | 50-79,82-85 | 1969-2004 |
農R生態系計画学10金子 | 54-63 | 1973-1982 |
別書名 | 略タイトル:J. mammal キータイトル:Journal of mammalogy |
巻次年月次 | (1919)- |
本文言語 | 英語 |
一般注記 | Lists of recent literatur, which were published within each quarterly no. of the Journal of mammalogy from 1919 through 1969, became a separately published supplement: Recent literature of mammalogy, in Feb. 1970 Volume numbering of LC MARC: Vol. 1 (Nov. 1919)- |
書誌ID | 2000001184 |
ISSN | 00222372 |
NCID | AA00701510 |